Advice for Investing the Amusement Park
Date:2018-09-02 03:58:09 Views:2834
Investing in trampoline parks, investors need to consider many factors to improve their chance of investment success, of which site selection and supplier selection are particularly important.
1. Site selection
1). Size and Type of Park: Investigate the population within 10 km (25 minutes drive) from the site , and the age ratio of 1-10 years old, 11-20 years old, 21-40 years old, which is to determine the type of park: 400-600㎡ family restuarant , 800-1800㎡Adventure & Sports Play Center, 2000㎡ family entertainment center.
2). Consumption Ability of Target Customers : Investigate annual household income within 10 km from the site, the monthly consumption spent on family entertainment, and the frequency of consumption on family entertainment, so as to check consumption volume there.
3). Competitive Analysis: Investigate the same type of parks, the playground equipments, customers feedback,which is to improve competitiveness of own park.
4). Customer Flow Analysis: Investigate nearby shopping mall, kindergarten, school, and other educational institutions.
5). Transportation: Transportation situation, if with parking lots and the number of parking spaces.
2.Supplier Selection
1). Positioning: Low/medium/high-level amusement park builder, if with own-brand influential amusement parks.
2). Quality: company competence, global projects, customer reviews, safety test reports and certificates.
3). Service:building amusemnet parks,marketing and consulting services (brand cooperation,park designing,business planning,park decoration,manufacturing ,installation, safety inspection, POS &Ticketing system, marketing planning, operating training, events training).
4). Design: design novelty, design capacity, whether the design proposal is based on the investigate survey .
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