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Signing Ceremony of Liben and TUV Rheinland

Date:2017-11-16 01:03:34 Views:5184

    TÜV Rheinland signed a cooperation agreement with Liben's Pokiddo Amusement .

In the future, TÜV Rheinland will provide equipment and site testing for newly contracted playgrounds 

around the world to ensure playground safety operations.TÜV Rheinland  China Center Certification

Manager Mr. Gerd Reimann, TÜV Rheinland China Light Industry Products and Services Deputy General

Manager Qi Bing,Li Wang,general manager of the Liben Group, and other personnel attended the signing


    To ensure the safety of the venue and facilities, TÜV Rheinland will carry out structural tests, structural

load-bearing tests, chemical tests, buffer tests, flame test, etc. on all the recreational facilities in the newly

signed Children's Playground in accordance with the advanced international and domestic standards within

the full safety testing to exclude the risks that may occur during use, and to ensure all the material safe and 

non-toxic. In addition, TÜV Rheinland's playground will also conduct regional inspections based on actual 

conditions and develop a reasonable escape route to effectively enhance the park's ability to handle emergencies.